King is a HongKonger. He started dancing when he joined the dance society in University pursuing an undergraduate degree. He graduated at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts majoring in Contemporary Dance. In 2019, he won the gold medal of Hong Kong (Asia) Solo Dance Competition and received the prestigious Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship. He was selected to be a participant in the Wu Dao Qing Nian 2019 dance program of City Contemporary Dance Company and the rehearsal assistant of Wu Dao Qing Nian 2021, sharing experiences and guiding younger dancers. In 2023, he joined the TS Crew as an Artist-in-Resident.
He has participated in international dance workshops, festivals, and exchanges in many European countries. He embarked on a 2-year independent study project research project “Contact Improvisation into performance” from 2021-2023. In 2022, King presented his work-in-progress at the International SWEAT dance festival (HK).
Recent choreography works: “Instinct” co-choreographed with Ray Cheung, “Body Sculpture” the final result of two years personal research of contact improvisation.
King has been working with different dance artists such as Judith Sánchez Ruíz (Germany), Jorge Jauregui Allue (Spain), Lisa KeeGan (Singapore), Leila McMillan (UK), Tim Casson (UK), Noel Pong (HK) and Hugh Cho (HK).
He aspires to become the best dancer, choreographer, and educator that he can be.
蔡氏是一名香港人。他接觸舞蹈始於大學舞蹈學會。畢業於香港演藝學院,主修現代舞。 2019年,他獲得了「香港(亞洲)獨舞比賽」的金獎及「香港賽馬會獎學金」。同年,他獲選為城 市當代舞蹈團的「舞蹈青年2019」舞者,及後他也成為「舞蹈青年2021」的排練助理,為年青舞 者提供專業意見。2023年,他加入TS Crew擔任駐團藝術家。
他曾到歐洲多國參加的國際舞蹈工作坊、舞蹈節及交流活動。2021-2023年,他開始了為期2 年的獨立學習項目研究計劃《接觸即興表演》。在2022年,他亦在SWEAT 香港國際舞蹈節發 表其作品的階段性展演。
他一直與不同的舞蹈藝術家合作,如Judith Sánchez Ruíz(德國)、Jorge Jauregui Allue(西班 牙)、Lisa KeeGan(新加坡)、Leila McMillan(英國)、Tim Casson(英國)、龐智筠(香港)和曹德 寶(香港)。
近期編舞作品:《本能》與張曉生聯合編創,《身體的雕塑》個人兩年研究接觸即興的最終成 果演出。